Do you find yourself running to the bathroom more often than others?

Do you keep looking for bathroom signs instead of having fun on a road trip?

Are you scared of laughing out loud as it may make you leak?

Does going to long meetings or formal parties make you anxious because of the uncontrollable and sudden urge to “GO?”

If yes, then you probably have what millions of adults do – Urinary incontinence.

Scroll down to learn all about this issue and understand what you’re dealing with.


Urinary Incontinence – What’s It?

You simply go to the bathroom, and you urinate! But is it really that simple?

Well, no.

There’s a whole lot of complex mechanisms behind urination that involve many different organs and processes. From the nervous system to the kidneys, from the bladder to the urethra and various pelvic muscles – issues with any of these areas can result in a condition known as urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence can be simply defined as the loss of bladder control, resulting in involuntary urine leakage. 

There’re various types of urinary incontinence. Once the type of incontinence is diagnosed, it’s easier to get treatment and move forward from there. Modern urinary incontinence treatments such as Votiva Vaginal Rejuvenation and others can offer amazing relief for urinary incontinence conditions.   


The 4 Main Types Of Urinary Incontinence 

The 4 primary types of Urinary Incontinence are as follows:

1. Stress Incontinence

Are you scared of laughing, coughing, sneezing, or doing any other simple physical activities, for fear it may cause urine leakage?

Well, it may be due to the most common type of urinary incontinence – Stress incontinence.

No, we aren’t talking about emotional or mental stress. Instead, it’s all about the stress caused on your bladder. 

When you move or do any physical activity, your abdomen puts pressure on your bladder, which results in the leakage of urine. The key reason behind this happens to be weak pelvic floor muscles, and it’s more likely to occur in women.

2. Overflow Incontinence

Well, the name of this type of urinary incontinence is pretty self-explanatory!

Overflow incontinence happens when your urine reservoir, the bladder, has insufficient space. If your body makes more urine than your bladder can hold, it may eventually overflow. Another reason for overflow incontinence may be your bladder’s inability to drain out, causing it to leak.

This type of urinary incontinence can cause continuous dribbling or frequent urinating in small amounts. Overflow Incontinence is more common in men.

3. Overactive Bladder

You are doing your work, and suddenly, you feel that rushed urge to urinate. Does it happen to you? If yes, then you probably have an overactive bladder.

Also known as urge incontinence, this condition makes your bladder muscles contract, even if the bladder is empty. As a result, you feel an intense urge to urinate immediately and might even cause accidents if you don’t make it to the bathroom.

Urge incontinence is often caused by infections, diabetes, or even neurological and physical disorders.

4. Functional Incontinence

This type of urinary incontinence happens when you cannot make it to the bathroom in time, resulting in leakage or accidents.

It’s caused by other diseases or disabilities such as arthritis, dementia, Alzheimer’s, or others. 

In a nutshell, any disease, neurological or physical, that keeps you from understanding the urge to pee or reach the bathroom in time can be labelled as functional incontinence.


Cheer Up!

Well, the good news is: you have nothing to worry about!

Yes, we know urinary incontinence can be embarrassing to talk about. But how can you deal with it if you don’t talk about it?

Don’t shy away from consulting a specialist about this problem. Rest assured, you can tackle this issue and have all the fun without worrying about urinary incontinence!