Sculptra Butt Lift Vancouver | Non Surgical Butt Augmentation Vancouver, BC | Sculptra Buttock Injections Vancouver

Sculptra® Butt Lift

Sculptra: Non-surgical Butt Augmentation

For years clients have been in search of the most effective and painless way to add volume and shape to the buttocks, without the pain and risks of traditionally invasive surgical methods.

Dermal fillers are used in many different areas of the face and body to restore volume, and help add shape in areas that have naturally lose fat over time. 

Thanks to our extensive expertise in cosmetic procedures, we now offer Sculptra® injections for a non-surgical butt lift. This revolutionary advanced filler is injected into the buttocks and can be used repeatedly over a 24 month period without tissue damage or adverse effects on your health. As one of the leading local clinics offering this service, you’re sure to get top-quality care from professionals who are truly passionate about what they do!

Butt Augmentation | EverYoung Skin Care Clinic

What Is A Sculptra Butt Lift?

Sculptra® is FDA approved for the correction of age-related facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds. It contains a synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid or PLLA, which stimulates your body’s production of collagen.

The great thing about Sculptra® is that it doesn’t contain any animal or human products, and it doesn’t contain preservatives. Your body absorbs the PLLA over time as new collagen is formed – the Sculptra® particles remain at the injection sites.

Sculptra injections cause no tissue damage since there’s no significant diffusion of the injectable out of the injection site. As such, you can have treatment repeatedly over 24 months.

Who Is Sculptra® For? How Is It Used?

Sculptra is an excellent option for those who want a little extra boost in their derriere, but who want to avoid the invasive nature of plastic surgery. It is also ideal for anyone who wants body contouring in more than one area of the body, which would be impossible with liposuction alone because liposuction can only remove fat from a specific area.

Sometimes people who are overweight and obese may struggle with getting their dream bodies due to excess fat around the midsection and flanks – using Sculptra® injections can help build the buttock area to give a better definition.

Sculptra is a very targeted procedure, which means you will see results in just one treatment! The effects of this non-surgical fatty cell reduction are not immediate; however, you will start seeing the effects of the treatment around three to four months after your injection.

Butt Augmentation | EverYoung Skin Care Clinic

How To Prepare For Your Sculptra® Injection

Two weeks before treatment, you should stop taking Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Advil), and Vitamin E as these can affect blood clotting. You should also stop smoking, as this slows down the body's healing ability.

Your Sculptra® Treatment

During treatment, you should remain lying down in a comfortable position while your expert clinician administers a small amount of local anesthetic to numb the area. While being extremely gentle, your practitioner will then use very fine needles to inject the Sculptra® solution directly into the layers of fat beneath your skin. After the procedure, you can immediately return to your normal daily routine.

We offer a wide range of facial rejuvenation procedures that will leave you with a youthful glow!

Results You Can Expect With Sculptra® Injections

The results of a Sculptra® injection treatment are recommended to be seen after three to four months. At that time, you can expect your buttock area to look more contoured and sculpted than before.

Vancouver Sculptra® Treatments at a Glance

001 like
Best Results

1-3 Treatments

002 fast
Duration of Results

24 Months

003 vaccine

Local anaesthesia

001 like

1-3 Treatments

002 fast
of Results

24 Months

003 vaccine

Local anaesthesia

007 caution

Low to none

007 caution

Low to none

Procedure Time

30 minutes +

005 team
Back To Work

Right away


30 minutes +

005 team
Back To

Right away

Benefits of Non-invasive Butt Augmentation with Sculptra®

Natural looking results, helps to reduce cellulite ‘clips’.
Stimulates collagen in treated area for a natural appearance and greater contours
Volumizes areas where fat has naturally decreased over time
Smooths the overall texture and helps to fill in any depressions or dips in the treated areas
No downtime, this is considered a ‘lunchtime procedure’
Full results seen within 3-6 months
Results are semi-permanent and will last up to 2 years
Great alternative to Brazillian Butt Lift procedure


It’s generally advisable to avoid strenuous exercise immediately after Sculptra injections to minimize the risk of swelling or bruising, but individual recommendations may vary, so consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.
After Sculptra, avoid strenuous exercise, excessive sun exposure, and facial massages for a few days, and follow post-procedure instructions from your provider for the best results.
After Sculptra, avoid vigorous exercise, excessive sun exposure, and facial massages for a few days to optimize results.
The day after Sculptra, you may experience some redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites, but these are typically temporary and can be managed with ice and gentle care.
Traveling after Sculptra is generally fine, but it’s advisable to avoid long flights immediately after the procedure and to follow any specific post-injection care guidelines provided by your healthcare provider.
After Sculptra, it’s recommended to sleep with your head elevated for the first night to minimize swelling and avoid putting direct pressure on the treated areas.
Sculptra may take several weeks to months to fully settle, as the gradual collagen stimulation process occurs over time, with optimal results becoming more apparent in the weeks following treatment.
Maintain Sculptra results by following a healthy lifestyle, protecting your skin from excessive sun exposure, and considering periodic touch-up sessions as recommended by your healthcare provider for ongoing collagen stimulation and optimal outcomes.
Massaging after Sculptra is essential to distribute the product evenly; skipping this step may lead to uneven results and the potential for lumps or nodules in the treated areas.
Avoiding exercise after Sculptra helps minimize the risk of increased blood flow to the injection sites, reducing the potential for swelling, bruising, or uneven distribution of the product.
The downtime for Sculptra is minimal, with most individuals returning to their normal activities immediately after the procedure, though some may experience temporary redness, swelling, or bruising that typically resolves within a few days.
Side effects of Sculptra for buttocks augmentation may include temporary swelling, bruising, tenderness, and lumps at the injection sites, with rare complications such as infection or granulomas.
Swelling after Sculptra is usually temporary and can last a few days to a week; applying ice and following post-procedure care guidelines can help minimize and manage swelling.
While it’s not mandatory to sleep on your back after Sculptra, it’s advisable for the first night to minimize pressure on the treated areas and reduce the risk of uneven distribution or swelling.
Yes, it’s advisable to sleep on your back after Sculptra, especially on the first night, to minimize pressure on the treated areas and promote even distribution of the product for optimal results.
Yes, you can drink coffee after Sculptra; however, it’s essential to stay hydrated with water and avoid excessive caffeine intake, as proper hydration supports overall skin health and recovery.
Before getting Sculptra, avoid blood-thinning medications or supplements, like aspirin or fish oil, and inform your healthcare provider about any medications, medical conditions, or recent skin treatments to ensure a safe and effective procedure.
The Rule of 5 for Sculptra involves massaging the treated area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days following the procedure to ensure even distribution and optimal results.
To prepare for Sculptra, avoid blood-thinning medications, inform your provider of any medical conditions or recent treatments, stay hydrated, and follow any pre-procedure guidelines provided by your healthcare professional.
Visible Sculptra results may not be apparent after 2 weeks, as the product stimulates collagen production gradually; optimal outcomes are typically observed in the weeks to months following treatment, with continued improvement over time.
One session of Sculptra may not be sufficient, as multiple sessions are often recommended to achieve optimal results in facial volume restoration.
To minimize the risk of lumps with Sculptra, proper injection technique, dilution of the product, and massaging the treated area as instructed by a qualified healthcare professional are crucial.
To reduce the risk of bruising with Sculptra, avoiding blood-thinning medications, applying ice before and after treatment, and selecting an experienced injector who uses proper injection techniques can be beneficial.
When improperly administered or used excessively, Sculptra can potentially result in an unnatural appearance, but achieving a natural look largely depends on the skill of the injector and appropriate patient selection.
The number of Sculptra treatments for buttock augmentation varies, but several sessions, typically spaced several weeks apart, are often required to achieve desired results.
Yes, Sculptra can have potential complications or undesirable outcomes if not administered by a skilled and experienced healthcare professional, including the risk of nodules, asymmetry, or an unnatural appearance.
Individuals who are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a history of keloid formation, active skin infections, or certain medical conditions may not be suitable candidates for Sculptra; a thorough consultation with a qualified healthcare professional is necessary to determine eligibility.
The worthiness of Sculptra for buttocks depends on individual goals, preferences, and the consideration of costs and potential side effects.
Sculptra injections are generally well-tolerated, with mild discomfort and the option of a topical anesthetic to minimize pain during the procedure.
The choice between Sculptra and fat transfer for buttock augmentation depends on individual preferences, as Sculptra is non-surgical and requires multiple sessions, while fat transfer involves a surgical procedure with potentially longer-lasting results.
Lumps from Sculptra can occur due to uneven distribution of the product, incorrect injection technique, or inadequate massage of the treated area, emphasizing the importance of proper administration by a qualified healthcare professional.
To achieve the best results with Sculptra, choose a skilled and experienced injector, follow the recommended treatment plan, adhere to post-treatment care instructions, and maintain good overall skin health; multiple sessions may be needed for optimal and natural-looking results.
Sculptra should not be injected into areas with active skin infections, overlying moles, or near blood vessels to minimize the risk of complications.
The number of Sculptra sessions needed varies, but multiple rounds, typically spaced several weeks apart, are often recommended for optimal and lasting results.
Icing after Sculptra is recommended intermittently for the first 24 hours post-treatment to help minimize swelling and discomfort, but specific guidelines may vary based on individual responses and healthcare provider recommendations.
The number of Sculptra syringes needed varies depending on individual goals, the area being treated, and the desired level of correction; a qualified healthcare professional will determine the appropriate amount during a consultation.
Sculptra is typically injected into the deep dermis or subcutaneous tissue, depending on the area being treated, to stimulate collagen production and provide volume restoration.
The decision to start Sculptra depends on individual aesthetic goals and concerns; however, it is generally considered for individuals experiencing volume loss and seeking non-surgical facial rejuvenation, often in their 30s to 50s. Consultation with a qualified healthcare professional is crucial for personalized recommendations.
Follow post-Sculptra instructions provided by your healthcare professional, which may include gentle massage, avoiding excessive facial movements, and refraining from strenuous exercise for a specified period.
To reduce swelling after Sculptra, apply intermittent ice packs, avoid strenuous activities, and keep the head elevated for the first 24 hours post-treatment.
Sculptra bumps, if they occur, often resolve with time and proper massage techniques applied by a healthcare professional; persistent concerns should be addressed with your provider.
After Sculptra injections, avoid excessive facial movements, rigorous exercise, and exposure to excessive heat or sunlight; refrain from massaging the treated area unless instructed by a healthcare professional.
To relieve pain after Sculptra, over-the-counter pain relievers may be used as directed by a healthcare professional, and applying ice intermittently during the first 24 hours can help minimize discomfort; always follow post-treatment instructions provided by your provider.
Sculptra, when administered properly, should not leave scar tissue, as it is designed to stimulate collagen production for natural-looking results; however, any concerns should be addressed with a qualified healthcare professional.
Sculptra stimulates collagen production when injected into the buttocks, gradually increasing volume and providing a non-surgical option for augmentation.
Sculptra is not permanent because its main component, poly-L-lactic acid, is gradually absorbed by the body, and its primary effect is to stimulate collagen production for a natural and temporary volumizing effect.
The choice between Sculptra and alternative treatments depends on individual preferences and goals; options like dermal fillers, fat transfer, or surgical procedures may be considered based on specific aesthetic needs and desired outcomes.
Sculptra may not be suitable for everyone, and individual responses can vary; a consultation with a qualified healthcare professional is essential to determine candidacy and expected outcomes.
Sculptra may not be recommended for individuals with a history of allergies to its components, active skin infections, or certain medical conditions; consultation with a healthcare professional is crucial for personalized advice.
Right after Sculptra, expect some immediate swelling and possible bruising at the injection sites, with final results becoming noticeable gradually over weeks to months as collagen production increases; follow post-treatment care instructions provided by your healthcare professional.

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With locations in Downtown Vancouver, North Vancouver, Burnaby & Port Coquitlam, we proudly serve people throughout greater Vancouver and the lower mainland with all of their acne, skin and beauty needs. 

Contact us now to book an appointment.